Author: Brooke Robbins

Guaranteed Pest Removal From Professionals

Over-the-counter pest control products can be dangerous if improperly used, difficult to use, or not always effective. Hiring professional pest protection services helps save time and money while providing peace of mind.

Allow your Exterminator Springfield MO to freely access rooms nooks and crannies throughout your home. It can help them get to the source of your infestation.

pest control

Save Time And Money

When it comes to pest control, many homeowners are tempted to go the DIY route. Store-bought products may seem like a more budget-friendly option when compared to professional services, but these supplies often come with hidden costs. Misidentification of pests or incorrect application of treatments can lead to recurring infestations and costly repairs in the long run. Professionals, on the other hand, offer upfront pricing and guarantees that can save you money in the long run.

Professionals also use a variety of tools and techniques that OTC products don’t, including less-toxic options. Furthermore, they focus on prevention strategies rather than just eliminating existing pests. As a result, you can avoid pests from returning once they’ve been eliminated.

Rodents and other pests can cause significant damage to your property. They contaminate food, destroy personal belongings, and leave behind droppings that can be a health hazard to you and your family. These pests can also chew through the foundation of your home and cause structural damage. Professionals can handle these problems safely and effectively.

For example, termites are known to cause $5 billion in property damage each year. If you notice signs of a termite infestation, such as scratching in your walls or musty odors, it’s important to call a professional immediately. A fast response will prevent the problem from spreading and minimize damage to your property.

While a professional service is more expensive than over-the-counter products, it’s worth it in the long run. A reputable company will provide you with a guarantee for one to five years, depending on the service and severity of your infestation. If the pests return, the professional will perform additional treatments at no extra cost.

There are several top-rated pest control companies with over 120 years of experience and are renowned for their knowledgeable technicians. Its professionals undergo in-house training and receive certification from a pest specialist. The company is also known for its extensive service area and satisfaction guarantee. However, its prices for specialty pests, such as termites and bed bugs, are higher than those of competitors.

Save Yourself From Mistakes

Pests are a nuisance and can cause damage to your property. If you attempt to control them without the help of professionals, you could end up spending a lot more money than necessary to do so. This is because the wrong choice of products or ineffective methods may cause your infestation to worsen, leading to costly repairs and replacements. A professional can ensure that the right techniques are used to eradicate your infestation and provide you with long-term peace of mind.

Trying to get rid of pests on your own can also be extremely difficult, even with the best of intentions. It is common for DIY pest control methods to only eradicate the visible symptoms of an infestation instead of attacking it at its source. This can lead to problems such as a rodent problem getting out of hand or an ant colony continuing to thrive, even after you thought the issue was resolved. A professional can determine the cause of your pest infestation and address it directly, ensuring that you don’t face any more problems in the future.

Professionals have the skills and equipment needed to tackle the most stubborn of pests. This includes knowledge of the habits, vulnerabilities, and life cycles of your specific pest, as well as the correct use of chemical treatments. In addition, a pest control company can use environmentally friendly techniques to prevent harming children and pets.

When choosing a pest control company, be sure to find out whether they offer service guarantees. This can help you feel confident that you’re making the best decision for your home or business. For example, a company offers a 30-day guarantee on its services, while one provides several different service guarantees for their customers including one of the most comprehensive termite warranties available.

Pests like cockroaches, ants, and termites can create unsightly holes in your walls and roof, requiring extensive repair work. Regular treatment from pest control experts can eliminate these pests and their eggs before they have a chance to grow out of control and wreak havoc on your home. It’s also important to keep your home clean and free of clutter to reduce the risk of these pests coming into your property.

Save Yourself From Health Issues

Pest infestations can cause damage to your property and health issues for you and your family. Some pests carry diseases, including Lyme disease, tapeworms, dermatitis, and typhus, which can pose serious health problems for you and your loved ones. Others, like rodents, cockroaches, and fleas, can leave itchy bites and stings that lead to uncomfortable itching and redness of the skin.

Pest control specialists have the knowledge and experience to identify the type of pests invading your home, which allows them to use the best method to eliminate them effectively. They know how to treat and prevent future infestations as well. They also have access to tools and products that aren’t available to the general public, allowing them to offer a more comprehensive pest control service.

A pest infestation can spread rapidly if it isn’t dealt with quickly. If you try to tackle it yourself, it may take you longer than necessary to figure out the best treatment plan, and you might fail to completely eradicate the pests. When you hire a professional, however, they will handle the problem quickly and effectively. They will also find out how the pests got in and close off any entry points to stop them from coming back.

In addition, a pest control company will offer a guarantee on their work, which can save you money in the long run. Using DIY or store-bought pesticides can be dangerous for your health and the environment, but these products also often don’t work in the long term or prevent future infestations. Pest control companies, on the other hand, stand behind their work and provide follow-up treatments and inspections to ensure that the pest infestation is entirely resolved.

Pests can wreak havoc on your property, causing costly damages that can be expensive to repair. For example, rodents can chew through wires and wood to create nests or burrow holes, which can lead to electrical fires or structural damage to your house. If left untreated, pests can even contaminate your food supplies and cause allergic reactions. If you have an infestation of rodents or cockroaches in your healthcare facility, they can pose a risk to patient safety.

Save Yourself From Stress

Pests are not only a nuisance, they can also cause damage to your home or business. Rodents, for example, chew through wires and other materials in your home and can leave a lot of structural damage over time. They also spread diseases. In addition, some pests, like cockroaches and bees, can sting people and cause painful welts. If you have a serious infestation problem, it’s best to call a professional pest control company right away.

Trying to get rid of pests on your own can be stressful and expensive. You may need to research the pests, purchase products, and set up traps and other methods. If you’re unsuccessful, your pest problem could worsen and your stress levels will rise. If you hire a professional pest control company, you’ll save yourself from these problems and you won’t have to worry about spending money on unreliable products.

Most professional pest control companies offer a guarantee or warranty for their services. They will also provide advice on how to prevent future pest infestations. It’s important to find out if they provide a one-year or five-year guarantee, and if there is a yearly inspection charge. You should also check to see if they are responsible for structural damage caused by termites.

Some treatments are more effective than others, so you’ll want to choose the right one for your needs. It’s also a good idea to read customer reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or neighbors. You should look for a company that has a good reputation and offers competitive pricing.

A good pest control company will have years of experience and a strong customer base. They should be able to provide you with a free quote and will explain what is included in the treatment. They will also discuss how to prevent recurrences of the pests, and any follow-up visits that may be needed. You should also make sure the pest control company offers a satisfaction guarantee. It is worth it to pay a little more for a company that has a reputation for excellence and can keep your pest infestation under control for a long time.

Concrete Repair – What You Need to Know

Concrete Repair involves filling and sealing cracks in concrete to stop water flow, reduce snagging, and prevent further damage to the concrete surface. The most effective concrete repair restoration techniques include epoxy and urethane injections.

Concrete Repair

Other techniques involve levelling uneven concrete surfaces through slab jacking and repairing major structural damage. Major damage could be physical (such as impact or abrasion) or chemical (degradation by carbonation and chlorides). To learn more, visit

Concrete cracks can be repaired with a wide range of products. It’s important to understand the underlying problem and choose the right repair method.

Routing and sealing is a common approach to repairing isolated, fine cracks in concrete surfaces. It involves enlarging the crack to form a V-shaped groove, then filling the groove with a flexible sealant. This method is most effective on concrete with low permeability, but may not be suitable for very porous concrete. This type of repair is not a substitute for structural repairs.

Before attempting this type of repair, you should thoroughly clean the cracks to remove any dust, debris and loosened asphalt concrete. This process can be done with high pressure air blasting or wire brushing and is recommended to reduce adhesion failures in the cracked surface. This process will also make the cracks more manageable when applying a sealant.

When using a routing and sealing method, the cracks should be filled in a way that will prevent moisture intrusion and promote long-term stability. This can be accomplished by using a flexible crack filler that will stretch and shrink with the concrete as it moves.

It is recommended to use a material that will resist oil, salt and grease in order to prolong the life of the concrete crack repair. Many products are available that will effectively block these chemicals from penetrating the concrete.

This type of repair is typically used in conjunction with other methods for larger structural cracks or to address water leaks. Injection is an efficient repair method for dormant or active cracks and can be used on concrete structures such as water treatment facilities, parking garages and bridges.

When using this method, it is imperative that the injection system be properly designed by a professional engineer experienced in concrete construction. This is because these structures must be built strong enough to support the design loads, durable against the forces of weathering and economical in terms of first cost and ultimate service life.

The injected materials can be epoxy, urethane or polymer mortars. When injecting concrete, it is important to only fill in the cracks that are structurally sound and not to create new cracks. This is because if new cracks form, they will accelerate the instability that caused the original crack to form.

Drilling and Plugging

When concrete surface cracks show up on a property owner’s home or commercial business, it’s time to make some repairs. Whether the cracks are cosmetic or structural in nature, our experts at Eden Construction Inc can recommend the best method to repair them. First, we’ll figure out what caused them to begin with and then do the necessary preparation to ensure that the repair is made with a material that will solve the problem once and for all.

One of the most popular methods to repair small cracks is to use a patch kit or concrete overlay material. This material bonds to the existing concrete and fills in the missing chunks of concrete, thus eliminating trip hazards that can result from uneven surfaces. The good news is that this type of repair material is relatively inexpensive, quick and easy to apply and can last a long time as long as the surface is maintained properly.

Another very effective way to repair concrete is to use the stitching method. This technique involves drilling holes along the surface of a concrete crack, then stitching them together using a metal wire. This process provides tensile strength to the various sections of the crack and helps to prevent water leakage through them.

Stitching is a costly option and is usually reserved for structures that are subject to a lot of foot or vehicular traffic. However, it is often the most cost-effective solution to structural cracking.

Another important factor in choosing the right repair method is to know what your expectations are for the repair. It is very common for crack repair materials to fail, so it’s essential to find a concrete repair material that has a reputation for lasting. Some manufacturers provide excellent technical support and training for their products so you can be sure that you’re getting the most from your investment. You can also purchase repair guides, such as Concrete Repair Manual, published by the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI), which includes references from ACI, ICRI, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The Concrete Society (British), the BRE (also British), and many others.


Concrete surface damage can occur due to a number of factors. Weathering is one of the biggest reasons, but heavy foot and vehicle traffic, structural settling, and ground movement can also lead to deterioration. It’s important to address any cracks or spalling in a timely manner, as these issues will only get worse over time.

The best way to deal with surface damage is by routing and sealing. This is an effective method for both large and small cracks, and can be done using a wide range of fillers like silicones, epoxies, or urethanes. This is an ideal solution for exterior concrete surfaces, as it prevents water and other contaminants from entering the crack, protecting the structure from further damage.

Another popular repair method is concrete stitching. Stitching is an excellent option for larger concrete repairs, and can be used to repair cracks up to 6 inches in depth. This technique involves installing a series of metal “staples” or “stitches” into the damaged concrete, which are then filled with a concrete patch material. These patches can be of any thickness, but it’s important to choose a high-quality product that offers good adhesion and is resistant to harsh environments.

It’s also important to properly prep the repair site before beginning work. Mist the area and remove any standing water, as this can affect bonding. It’s also essential to use a concrete supply that has a good reputation for quality products.

Lastly, be sure to allow enough time for the concrete repair process. It can take anywhere from a few hours to several days, depending on the severity of the damage and the type of repair required. It’s essential to ensure that there is adequate time available for careful assessment, precise execution, and curing and drying processes if necessary.

It’s also important to note that concrete repair is a costly endeavor. Not only does it involve the use of expensive materials, but it also contributes to environmental damage by depleting natural resources and generating massive amounts of CO2 emissions and inert waste. Ideally, engineers should strive to develop concrete repair techniques that achieve specified performance levels while being eco-efficient and cost effective.

Repairing Large Cracks

If a crack is more than 1/2 inch wide or extends across the entire slab, it may be more serious and should be repaired with structural repair methods rather than surface coatings. These types of repairs will typically require the help of a professional engineer experienced in concrete construction.

A good place to start a concrete crack repair project is by cleaning out the area around the damaged area. This will ensure that any debris in the crack will not keep the patching material from adhering to the concrete. A pressure washer or detergent can be used to clean the area thoroughly and to remove any loose aggregate. This will also prepare the area for the application of a sealer or filler, as these products should be applied to a dry surface.

For larger cracks, it’s a good idea to undercut the crack before applying a concrete repair product. This will provide a wider surface for the patching compound to adhere to, and it will help to prevent the crack from reappearing once it’s dry.

Once the crack has been undercut and cleaned, a masonry crack filler can be applied to the damaged area. This should be done in 1/4-inch layers, and each layer should be allowed to dry completely before the next is applied. Once the last layer has been applied, a masonry trowel can be used to smooth and feather the edges into the surrounding concrete surface.

When choosing a concrete crack repair product, it is important to select one that has been formulated and tested for performance. A reputable company will offer a range of products that are suited to different types of damage, and they will be happy to assist you in selecting the best product for your concrete repair job. There are a number of environmental-friendly options available as well, which are perfect for projects where the environment is a priority. Taking the time to address small problems with concrete surfaces will prevent them from escalating into costly structural problems and maintenance costs in the future. So remember to assess the condition of your concrete surfaces regularly and to address any problems promptly.

Mattress Cleaning Tips

Mattress Cleaning Perth can hold millions of dead skin cells, dirt, pet dander, and odor-causing bacteria. Cleaning a mattress at least twice yearly helps reduce allergens that irritate allergies and asthma sufferers.

You are removing the mattress cover and washing it in hot water with a mild detergent or vinegar. Vacuum the surface of the mattress, especially using your upholstery attachment.

As you sleep, your mattress absorbs bodily fluids. If these fluids aren’t cleaned up promptly, they can leave stains or odors on the surface. A mattress protector helps prevent these stains, but it’s important to clean your mattress regularly to remove any spills or other stains that may occur.

Whether you have a traditional natural or synthetic fabric mattress, a waterproof mattress protector can help protect it from liquids and other contaminants. These protectors are machine washable and can be a wise investment for your mattress, particularly if you have young children or pets who may have accidents on the bed.

If your mattress has a stain, you can spot-clean it with a few spritzes of water or another mild cleaner such as vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or an enzyme cleaner mixed with cold water in a spray bottle. Use a cloth to apply the cleaner, then blot with a dry cloth until you can no longer see or feel the stain. Always blot rather than scrub, as this can set the stain and make it even harder to remove later.

You can also try a solution of water and dishwashing detergent or liquid laundry detergent diluted in cold water in the same spray bottle. This can break up grease and dirt, and it’s a good idea to choose a clear version of this mixture to avoid colored dye transferring to your mattress.

A light sprinkling of baking soda can help lift any remaining dirt from the surface of your mattress, and it’s a great natural deodorizer. It can be left to sit on the mattress for 12-24 hours, and a sunny day and a fan will promote faster drying times.

It’s a good idea to vacuum your mattress once a week with a handheld attachment or a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to get into the corners and seams of your mattress. This will help to pull out dirt, dust, hair, and dead skin cells that can clog the airways in your bedroom. You can also freshen your mattress with a spray of an antiseptic fabric sanitizer, such as Clorox Bleach-Free Fabric Sanitizer or Tide Antibacterial Fabric Spray.

Whether an unfortunate spill causes them, your little one’s potty training, or an old blood stain from a fight with your significant other, stains on a mattress can be unsightly and frustrating. Fortunately, with the right cleaning supplies and techniques, even the most stubborn of marks can be eliminated.

Begin by stripping your mattress of all bedding. A vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment works well for this task and will help to remove some of the dirt and dust that can make stains more difficult to remove.

If the stain is fresh, it’s best to address it immediately before it can be set. Use a cloth or sponge dampened with cold water to blot the mark. Be careful not to scrub, which can cause the mark to soak deeper into the mattress fabric.

For food and drink stains like coffee or red wine, a solution of equal parts laundry detergent and vinegar can be effective. Mix the solution in a spray bottle and apply it to the stain. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes, then blot with a wet cloth or sponge.

You may need to repeat the process to lift the stain completely. Once the mattress has been cleaned, sprinkle it generously with baking soda to deodorize it and absorb moisture and odors. Let the mattress dry completely before redressing it.

While this won’t eliminate the bloodstains, it will remove some odor and lift the stain slightly. Combine a capful of distilled white vinegar with a few tablespoons of baking soda until the mixture is thick enough to apply to the stain. Let the mixture sit for at least an hour before blotting and vacuuming it again.

For more severe stains, such as urine, it’s usually necessary to employ a stronger cleaning solution. You can purchase commercial products that remove mattress stains, such as the Rug Doctor Spot and Stain Remover. These can be used on mattresses and covers and work well on common household stains, including food, permanent markers, and coffee.

If stains and smells aren’t immediately addressed, they can soak into the mattress fibers. This can lead to mold and mildew, often accompanied by unpleasant odors. Fortunately, several household products can remove the smell of urine or other foul odors from a mattress, including distilled white vinegar, baking soda, and borax.

Depending on the cause of the odor, a few rounds of these simple cleaning methods can help eliminate bad odors from a mattress and make it more pleasant to sleep on.

Start with thoroughly vacuuming the mattress using your vacuum cleaner’s upholstery attachment. This helps agitate the surface and removes dust particles that can cause allergic reactions. Vacuum the top and bottom of the mattress, paying special attention to seams and crevices.

Laundry detergent can also be effective at removing stubborn odors from a mattress. However, it’s important not to pour laundry detergent directly onto the mattress as this can sink into the foam and leave a sticky residue. Instead, mix laundry detergent with baking soda and apply this to the stained area as a spot cleaner. Allow the mixture to sit for an hour before wiping it away.

For pee odors, a stronger product like borax is more effective than laundry detergent. Sprinkle a bit of borax on the stain and rub it in with a dry cloth or scrub brush. Then, dampen a clean cloth with water and borax solution and wipe the area again. If necessary, repeat this process until the odor is eliminated.

Another natural and effective way to kill odor-causing bacteria is sunlight. Bring the mattress outside on a breezy day and expose it to direct sunlight for an hour or so. This will freshen the mattress and help it to dry more quickly.

A sanitizing spray, such as GH Seal Stars Microban 24-Hour Sanitizing Spray or Tide Antibacterial Fabric Spray, can also zap odor-causing bacteria between deep cleanings. Follow the instructions on the label for use. To further prevent the growth of bacteria, a mattress cover can also be helpful.

In addition to addressing old stains and odors, you can prevent new ones from forming on your mattress by following simple steps. First, blot any liquid spills immediately using a highly absorbent cloth (such as a microfiber or paper towel). Use enough pressure to soak up the liquid without pushing it deeper into the mattress fibers. This step is vital to minimizing staining and odors, as well as preventing mold and mildew.

Next, treat the stain if necessary. If you’re dealing with biological stains (like blood or sweat), an enzyme cleaner is usually the best option, while food and beverage stains can be addressed with a standard household fabric cleaner like Zout. Always read the label carefully to ensure that the product you’re using is safe for your mattress.

For fresh blood or sweat stains, use the same cleaning solution described above, but gently agitate with a scrub brush or toothbrush, then blot until the stains are completely removed. To prevent the stain from reappearing, be sure to rinse off any residual cleaning solution before making your bed.

If you’re dealing with dry urine stains, make a stronger at-home cleaning solution by mixing one cup of hydrogen peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and a few drops of liquid dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray the affected area generously and soak specific areas that are deep-set. Allow the solution to sit for 10 minutes before blotting thoroughly with a clean, absorbent cloth. Finally, let the mattress air dry before remaking it.

Other common stains, such as those from red wine or coffee, can be prevented by spraying the mattress with water and baking soda. Once the solution dries, vacuum the baking soda residue layer and allow the mattress to air dry for several hours before remaking it. Point a fan at the mattress to help speed up the drying process. Remember, it’s important to treat a stain while the mattress is still completely dry, as doing otherwise could result in permanent stains and damp conditions that invite mold or mildew.

What Is Rubbish Collection and Why Is It Necessary?

Armadale Rubbish Collection is a necessary service that helps to remove unwanted materials. It can reduce environmental pollution, hazards, and disease.

Residents must have a suitable container to store their waste until it is collected. The collectors circulate through neighborhoods and mark their presence by ringing a bell or shouting. The residents must be available to hand over their waste containers.

Composting is when microorganisms eat organic waste, such as food scraps and yard clippings, and break them down into a soil-like product called compost. This is an environmentally superior alternative to landfilling or burning trash in incinerators because it reduces methane emissions from decomposition and helps return valuable nutrients to the soil.

Most municipal garbage collection services offer composting as an option, allowing residents to separate their garbage from food scraps and yard waste for special collection. This will enable them to avoid the extra cost of purchasing and transporting an additional rubbish bin.

Many communities have adopted the three-bin system, in which intact trash goes into one bin, compostable waste is placed into a second bin, and partially decomposed material is moved into a third bin for future use. This is a much more effective way of separating trash from compostable materials, as it discourages fly breeding and makes it easier to control odors.

A garbage disposal service with a three-bin system may also use a transfer station, where multiple refuse vehicles are loaded into larger transport vehicles for delivery to a landfill or other waste treatment facility. The transport vehicles are either open-top or closed, and the type depends on the amount of uncompacted garbage collected.

In most cases, residents are responsible for putting their rubbish and recycling into the proper containers before it is picked up by a municipal garbage collection vehicle. All refuse, and recycling should be placed in the right bins on the correct days of the week to ensure that everything gets collected and is not left behind.

Some cities have gone even further and offered curbside composting, where residents are given a garbage bin, a recycling bin, and a compost bin. All of their trash is picked up together, with the organic waste being taken to composting facilities along with food scraps. This is an excellent solution to reducing the overall volume of garbage that needs to be collected. Still, it requires a certain amount of discipline on the part of residents to ensure they are putting their waste in the correct containers.

Waste compaction is an efficient and eco-friendly method of handling garbage. It involves crushing and condensing solid waste to make it take up less space, which helps in reducing the volume of trash being dumped into landfills. This is especially helpful for business premises that generate large volumes of rubbish. It also reduces costs and expenses associated with waste management, such as fuel, vehicle maintenance, and labor.

Loose, non-compacted trash occupies up to 20 times more dumpster space than compacted trash. Utilizing a waste compaction machine makes it possible to fit more trash into each dumpster, reducing trash haulage costs and pickup frequency. Additionally, waste compaction can help preserve important items that might otherwise be lost in loose trash.

Many waste collection companies offer trash compactors for commercial use. These machines are ideal for business owners who generate large amounts of rubbish, including supermarkets and retail stores. They are easy to use, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly. They can even reduce the number of waste collections that need to be done.

Using a commercial rubbish compactor can also increase efficiency and improve working relationships with waste collectors. For example, you can more accurately predict how much trash will be produced each week, which can help determine the number of waste collections needed. Moreover, it can give you more insight into your rubbish disposal needs, making it easier for you to collaborate with private waste collectors.

In addition to reducing garbage, waste compaction can help reduce the risk of fires at the landfill site. Compacted waste is more tightly packed, limiting the oxygen needed for combustion. In addition, combustible waste is typically covered with dirt after being compacted, reducing the risks of fires.

Trash compactors are also used on space missions to help manage crew-generated waste. For example, Sierra Space is developing a trash compaction system for future long-duration space missions. The system will compact trash, recover water, clean resulting gases, and form a stackable tile that can be stored in space vehicles and habitats.

In the simplest form, recycling involves reusing materials and resources that would otherwise be wasted. It can be done with most products, from paper and cardboard to plastics and metals. However, it is particularly important for plastics, as they are not biodegradable and can remain in the environment forever. This waste can also contaminate the soil and water, causing environmental problems.

Recycled waste is sorted and then reformed into a new product or turned into raw material for another product. Several methods, including mechanical and thermal separation, do this. Mechanical methods include scrubbing, shredding, and grinding, while thermal processes involve incineration and melting. In addition, chemical processing may be used to purify and deodorize waste.

Many cities and towns have programs to encourage recycling. For example, some offer separate bins for different types of waste, while others require residents to sort their waste before putting it out for collection. Some cities also use pay-as-you-throw systems, whereby households are charged based on how much trash they produce. This creates strong incentives for residents to reduce their waste.

Once collected, recyclables are sent to materials recovery facilities (MRFs), where they are sorted into their constituent parts. From here, they are loaded onto container ships and sent worldwide, where a market exists. Many MRFs are located in poor, underserved areas. These facilities can harm human health, property values, recreation opportunities, and land productivity.

Then, the material is sold to manufacturers who make a variety of goods, from clothing to furniture and car parts. Manufacturers can incentivize recycling by adding a green dot to their packaging, showing that they pay for collecting and processing the waste. This system is known as producer-responsible recycling.

When you bring your trash to the curb for pickup, workers dump it into a garbage truck that takes it to the local landfill. The trash goes to a site called a municipal solid waste landfill, which is designed specifically for household rubbish. The trash is placed in what’s known as a “cell,” which is built with a composite liner and covered with soil daily to reduce the risk of contamination from odor, insects, and other unwanted pests. The landfill is then sealed to prevent groundwater contamination.

Before modern landfills came, people tossed their rubbish into whatever was available, such as abandoned farm fields and city streets. But these locations were often full of toxins that leached into the surrounding land and water. Modern landfills, regulated by the government and located away from populated areas, have a system that captures liquid from the decomposing rubbish. This is called leachate, and it’s collected through perforated pipes that run throughout the landfill. The contaminated water is then piped to a collection pond.

The landfill cells are covered with several inches of soil daily to keep the rubbish from contaminating the environment and make it less attractive to insects and other vermin. The landfill also has a system that collects methane the rubbish produces as it breaks down. This methane is converted to energy at the landfill to power garbage trucks and heat the facility.

A trained staff is onsite to oversee the preparation of the landfill, the depositing, and the regular operation and maintenance of the site. The landfill must follow federally approved operating practices, which include compacting and covering the rubbish daily to reduce odors and insect infestation. The staff must also monitor groundwater to ensure that contaminants from the rubbish don’t reach the nearby water supply.

Today’s landfills contain many organic materials, such as food, paper, and cardboard. But they also have inert materials such as soil, concrete, and brick rubble that can be used to build roads on the site or cover the rubbish when it’s full.
